
5.1. Main te nance in ter vals
daily: Check the set ting of the pres sure re ducer.
Empty the wa ter sep a ra tor.
Check the dan ger signs on the unit for leg i bil ity
and com plete ness.
monthly: Clean the fil ter and sieve
(de pend ing on ac cu mu la tion of dust!).
Blow out the fil ter from the in side out by means
of com pressed air.
Check the unit plugs for proper func tion ing.
ev ery six months: Check all elec tri cal and me chan i cal con nec tions
for proper fit.
Re place the fil ter and the sieve
(de pend ing on ac cu mu la tion of dust!).
The given main te nance in ter vals are av er age val ues.
Check whether in your in di vid ual case the main te nance in -
ter vals must be shortened.
SSV 05/R
Main te nance 26