TANDBERG Video Portal Data port Command Interface User Guide
Xconf H323Gatekeeper Authentication
*c xConfiguration H323Gatekeeper Authentication Address: “abc.def.ghi.jkl”
*c xConfiguration H323Gatekeeper Authentication Mode: Off
*c xConfiguration H323Gatekeeper Authentication ID: ""
Enables or disables access to HTTP services.
NOTE! Changes become effective after reboot.
HTTP Mode <On/Off>
Example of HTTP feedback:
*c xConfiguration HTTP Mode: On
Enables or disables access to HTTPS services.
NOTE! Changes become effective after reboot. Without https no web GUI is available.
HTTPS Mode <On/Off>
Example of HTTPS feedback:
*c xConfiguration HTTPS Mode: Off
Configures the LAN interfaces when static IP address allocation is used.
NOTE! The Video Portal needs to reboot before the changes will take effect.
IP Assignment: <DHCP/Static>
IP Address <IPAddr>
IP Address Subnetmask <Subnetmask>
IP Address Gateway <IPAddr>
IP Address DNS Server [1..5] Address <IPAddr>
IP Address DNS Domain Name <S: 0, 64>
• DNS Server: Number identifying one of 5 DNS servers which can be configured. If this
parameter is omitted the command applies to the first configuration (1).
• Assignment: Selects between DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) or static
IP address allocation. When DHCP is selected the Video Portal will automatically
receive all the necessary information from the DHCP server. This function should be
used when the Video Portal is connected to a LAN using DHCP. When using this mode,
IP-address and IP-subnet mask are not used because the DHCP server supplies these
• Address: Sets the static IP address for the given LAN interface.
• Subnetmask: Sets the subnet mask variable. Subnet mask defines the network class. If
the setting is the local network will support up to 256 nodes, denoting a
class C network. If the setting is the local network is a class B network with
65536 addressable nodes.
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