
TANDBERG Video Portal Data port Command Interface User Guide
4. The TANDBERG Video Portal Commands
4.1. Introduction
Typing ‘?’ or ‘help’ when connected to the Data Port Command Interface will return a list of valid commands. The
commands are used to control the functions of the Video Portal. A command may be followed by a set of
parameters and sub-commands. This chapter gives a description of all valid commands for the Video Portal.
4.1.1. Command format
Typing ‘?’ or ‘help’ after a command will result in a usage text (*h of help response) being displayed. Usage text
gives information about the command format, i.e. valid parameters, sub-commands etc. An example is shown below
(the user input is shown in bold).
Xconf DialPlan Entry 1 NetType ?
*h xConfiguration Dialplan Entry [1..64] NetType: <All/H324m/H323/SIP>
"Specifies the type of network to listen for incoming connections."
Numbers 1-64 and All/H324m/H323/SIP are parameters of the configuration (Xconf) command. Parameters
arguments on which the command will operate upon. Required parameters are denoted by: < >, while optional
parameters are denoted by: [ ]. All possible values for given parameters are separated with slashes ( / ). For some
parameters, only their names are supplied within the brackets. In these cases specific parameter values need to be
substituted for the parameter names. Allowed parameter values, unless obvious, are provided when the commands
are discussed.
are commands grouped together within a command. Different sub-commands within a command
may have different parameter sets. In the example below: Address and Authentication are sub-commands to the
command H323Gatekeeper. In the same sense Mode, ID and Password are sub commands of H323Gatekeeper
xconf H323Gatekeeper ?
*h xConfiguration H323Gatekeeper Address: <IPAddr>
*h xConfiguration H323Gatekeeper Authentication Mode: <Auto/Off>
*h xConfiguration H323Gatekeeper Authentication ID: <S: 0, 50>
*h xConfiguration H323Gatekeeper Authentication Password: <S: 0, 50>
NOTE! The Data port Command Interface is not case sensitive.
4.1.2. Command types
The commands can be divided into three major classes:
Parameter Configuration Commands, Xconf.
Status Commands, Xstat.
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