
TANDBERG Gatekeeper User Guide
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xconfiguration IP DNS Domain Name: <name>
Specifies the name to be appended to the domain name before a query to the DNS server is executed,
when attempting to resolve a domain name which is not fully qualified.
Note: This parameter is only used when attempting to resolve server addresses such as LDAP servers,
NTP servers etc. It plays no part in URI dialing: (see xconfiguration gatekeeper
16.2.7. LDAP
Parameters under the LDAP node control the Gatekeeper's communication with an LDAP server.
xconfiguration LDAP Encryption: <Off/TLS>
Sets the encryption mode to be used on the connection to the LDAP server. The default is Off.
xconfiguration LDAP Password: <password>
Sets the password to be used when binding to the LDAP server.
xconfiguration LDAP Server Address: <IPAddress>
Sets the IP address of the LDAP server to be used when making LDAP queries.
xconfiguration LDAP Server Port: <1..65534>
Sets the IP port of the LDAP server to be used when making LDAP queries.
xconfiguration LDAP UserDN: <userDN>
Sets the user distinguished name to be used when binding to the LDAP server.
16.2.8. Links
xconfiguration Links Link [1..100] Name: <linkname>
Specifies the name of a link in the list of links.
xconfiguration Links Link [1..100] Node1 Name: <nodename>
Specifies the first node of a link. A node name may be either a Zone name or a SubZone name.
xconfiguration Links Link [1..100] Node2 Name: <nodename>
Specifies the second node of a link. A node name may be either a Zone name or a SubZone name.
xconfiguration Links Link [1..100] Pipe1 Name: <pipename>
Specifies the first pipe associated with a link.
xconfiguration Links Link [1..100] Pipe2 Name: <pipename>
Specifies the second pipe associated with a link.
16.2.9. Log
xConfiguration Log Level: <1..3>
Controls the granularity of event logging with 1 being the least verbose, 3 the most.