
TANDBERG Gatekeeper User Guide
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16.3. Command
The command root command, xcommand, is used to execute commands on the Gatekeeper.
To list all xcommands type:
xcommand ?
To get usage information for a specific command, type:
xcommand <command_name> ?
16.3.1. AllowListAdd
xCommand AllowListAdd <allowed_alias>
Adds an entry to the allow list, used by the registration restriction policy.
allowed_alias can either be a specific alias, or use the wildcards ? (for a single character) and *
(for a single character or string of characters) to pattern match a group of possible aliases.
16.3.2. AllowListDelete
xCommand AllowListDelete <index>
Removes the pattern with the specified index from the allow list.
Allow list entries can be viewed using the command xconfiguration Gatekeeper
Registration AllowList.
16.3.3. Boot
xCommand Boot
Reboots the Gatekeeper. This takes approximately 2 minutes to complete.
16.3.4. CallTransfer
xCommand CallTransfer Call:<call_index> Leg: <1/2> Alias: <alias>
Attempts to transfer the half of the call identified by the call index and leg to the given alias.
Call and leg indices may be identified using xstatus calls.
16.3.5. CheckBandwidth
xCommand CheckBandwidth <node1> <node2> <bandwidth> <calltype>
This is a diagnostic function for verifying bandwidth control.
The case-sensitive names of the nodes.
The required bandwidth.
Must be one of Traversal, Routed or Direct
16.3.6. CredentialAdd
xCommand CredentialAdd <username> <password>
Adds the given username and password to the local authentication database.