Model 390 Limited Warranty on Parts
This limited warranty does not
1. Labor or other costs incurred for diagnosing, repairing, removing, installing, s hipping, servicing or handling of
defecti ve Parts , replacement Parts, or new Parts.
2. Normal maintenanc e, cleaning and lubrication as outlined in the Taylor Operator’s Manual, including cleaning
of condensers or carbon and gr ease buildup.
3. Required service, whether cleaning or gener al repairs, to r eturn the cooking surfac e assemblies, including
the upper platen and lower plate, to an oper ational condition to achieve proper cooking or allow proper
assembly of release sheets and clips as a result of grease build- up on the cooking surfaces, including but
not limited to the platen and plate, sides of the shroud or top of the shroud.
4. Replacement of c ooking surfac es, including the upper platen and lower plate, due to pitting or corrosion (or
in the case of the upper platen, due to loss of plating) as a result of damage due to the impact of s patulas or
other small wares used during the cooking process or as a result of the use of cleaners, cleaning materials
or c leaning processes not approved for use by Taylor .
5. Replacement of wear item s designated as Clas s “000” Parts in the Taylor Operator’s Manual, as well as any
release sheets and clips for the Product’s upper platen assembly.
6. External hoses, electrical power s upplies, and machine grounding.
7. Parts not supplied or designat ed by Taylor, or damages result ing from their use.
8. Retur n trips or waiting time required because a service technician is prevented from beginning war ranty
service work promptly upon ar rival.
9. Failur e, damage or repairs due to faulty installat ion, misapplication, abuse, no or improper servicing,
unauthorized alteration or improper operation or use as indicated in the Taylor Operator’ s Manual, including
but not limited to the failure to use proper assembly and cleaning techniques, tools , or approved cleaning
10. Failur e, damage or repairs due to theft, v andalism, wind, rain, flood, high water, water, lightning, earthquake
or any other natur al disaster, fire, corrosive environment s, insect or rodent infestation, or other casualty,
accident or condition beyond the reasonable control of Taylor; operation above or below the gas, electrical or
water supply specif ication of the unit in which a part is installed; or Par ts or the units in whic h they are
installed repaired or altered in any way so as, in the judgment of Taylor, to adversely affect performance, or
normal w ear or deterioration.
11. Any Par t purchased ov er the Internet.
12. Failur e to s tart due to voltage conditions , blown fuses, open circ uit breakers, or damages due to the
inadequacy or interruption of electrical service.
13. Electricity, gas or other fuel cost s, or increases in electricity or fuel costs from any reason whatsoever.
14. Damages resulting from the use of any refrigerant other than that specified for the unit in which the Par t is
installed will void this limited warr anty.
15. Any cost to replace, refill or dispose of refriger ant, inc luding the cost of refr igerant.
NATURE WHATSOEVER. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential
damages, so this limitation may not apply to you.
This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which v ary from
jurisdiction to jurisdiction.