Model 390To the Operator
Section 2 To the Operator
The freezer you have purchased has been carefully
engineered and manufactured to give you dependable
operation. The Taylor Model 390, when properly
operated and cared for, will produc e a consistent
quality product. Like all mechanical products, it will
require cleaning and maintenance. A minimum
amount of care and attention is necessary if the
operating p rocedures outlined in th is manual ar e
followed closely.
This Operator’s Manual should be read before
operating or performing any maintenanc e on your
The Model 390 will NOT eventually c ompensate and
correct for any errors during the set- up or filling
operations. Thus, the initial ass embly and priming
procedures are of extreme importance. It is s trongly
recommended that personnel responsible for the
equipment’s operation, both assembly and
disassembly, sit down toget her and go through these
procedures inorder to be properly tr ained and to make
sure that no misunderstandings exist.
In the event you should require technical a ssistance,
please contact your local authorized Taylor Distributor.
Note: Your Taylor warranty is valid only if the parts are
authorized Taylor parts , purchased from the local
authorized Taylor Distributor, and only if all required
service work is provided by an authorized Taylor
service technician. Taylor reserves the right to deny
warranty claims on units or parts if non- Taylor
approved parts or incorrect refr igerant were installed
in the unit, system modifications were performed
beyond factory recommendations, or it i s determined
that the failure was caused by abuse, misuse, neglect,
or failure to follow all operating instructions. For full
details of your Taylor Warranty, please see the Limited
W arranty section in this manual.
If the crossed out wheeled bin symbol is
affixed to this product, it signifies that this product is
compliant with the EU Direct ive as well as other similar
legislation in e f fect a fter August 13, 2005. Therefore,
it must be collected separately after its use is
completed, and cannot be disposed as unsorted
municipal waste.
The user is responsible for returning the product to the
appropriatecollectionfacilit y, as specified by your loc al
For additional information regarding applicable local
laws, please contact the municipal facility and/or local
Compressor Warranty Disclaimer
The refr igeration com pressor(s) on this unit are
warranted for the te rm st ated in the L imited Warrant y
section in this manual. However, due to the Montreal
Protoc ol and the U.S. Clean A ir Act Amendments o f
1990, many new refrigerants are being test ed and
developed, thus seeking their way into th e ser vice
industry. Some of these new refrigerants are being
advertised as drop- in replacements for numerous
applications. It should be noted that in the event of
ordinary service to this unit’s refrigeration system,
only the refrig erant specified on the affixed data
label should be used. The unauthorized use of
alternate refr igerants will void your Taylor compressor
warranty. It is the unit owner’s responsibility to mak e
this fact known to any technician he employs.
It should also be noted that Taylor does not warrant the
refrigerant used in its equipment. For example, if the
refrigerant is lost during the course of ordinary service
to this machine, Taylor has no obligation to either
supply or provide its replacement either at billable or
unbillable terms. Taylor does have the obligation to
recommend a suitable replacement if the original
refrigerant is banned, obsoleted, or no longeravailable
during the fi ve year warranty of the compressor.
Taylor will cont inue to monitor the industry and test
new alternat es as they are being developed. Should a
new alte rnate prove, thr ough our testing, that it would
be acceptedas a drop- in replacement,thenthe above
disclaimer would become null and void. To find out the
current status of an alternat e refrigerant as it relates to
your compressor warranty, call the local Taylor
Distributor or the Taylor Factory. Be prepared to
provide the Model/ Serial Number of the unit in