Models C708 & C716Important: To the Operator
The following message will be displayed if the
BRUSH CLEAN CYCLE option i s s elected when the
machine is not in a brush clean state.
No Changes Allowed
Press any Key
Change the number of days between brush clean
intervals by u sing the arrow symbols. Touch the SEL
symbol to s ave the setting and exit back to the
Menu. The number of days d isplayed on the brush
clean counter will change to the new setting.
Always comply with local guidelines on the number
of days allowed between brush clean cycles.
The MIX LEVEL AUDIBLE option, when enabled,
will alert the operator with a n audible tone when
there is Mix Low or Mix Out condition. The following
screen is displayed upon s electing this option.
> Enable
Disable the audible tone feature by touching the
DOWN arrow symbol to move the arrow to
“Disable”. Touch the SEL symbol to save the new
setting and r eturn to the Menu. The c ontrol panel
icons for Mix Low and Mix Out will illuminate as the
mix level drops in the hopper, but the audible tone
will be disabled.
The FAULT DESCRIPTION display will indicate if
there i s a fault with the freezer and where the fault
occurred. When no faults are detected, the following
screen will be displayed.
Touch the S EL s ymbol to display the next fault
found or return to the Menu if no other faults exist.
Touching the S EL s ymbol any time faults are
displayed will clear the faults, if corrected, upon
returning to the M enu screen.
Listed below are the variable messages which will
appear, along with a n explanation for the corrective
NO FAULT FOUND - There was no fault found in
the freezer. Nothing will appear on the screen after
this variable message appears.
BEATER OVERLOAD - Place the power switch in
the OFF position. Press the beater reset button
firmly. Place the power switch in the ON position
and restart in AUTO.
HPCO COMPRESSOR - Place the power switch in
the OFF position. Wait 5 minutes for the machine to
cool. Place the power switch in the ON position and
restart in AUTO.
HOPPER THERMISTOR BAD* - Place the power
switch in the OFF position. Replace the hopper
thermistor probe.
BARREL THERMISTOR BAD* - Place the power
switch in the OFF position. Replace the barrel
thermistor probe.
*Note: Three codes have been set up to a ssist in
diagnosing bad thermistor probes. If a probe has
shorted (resistance less than 1 ohm), “SHRT” will be
displayed on the screen for its respective machine
location. If the probe is open (resistance above 1
megohm), “OPEN” will be displayed. If the actual
probe environment exceeds 200 °F (93°C), the
respective screen display location will read “OVER”
indicating the temperature i s “ out of range”.
COMP ON TOO LONG - The compressor run time
exceeded the 11 m inute timer.