Models C708 & C716 Operating Procedures
To INCREASE the flow rate, turn the adjustment
screw CLOCKWISE. To DECREASE the flow rate,
turn the adjustment screw COUNTER-
Step 9
Snap the design c aps ov er the bottom of the door
Step 10
Slide the two rear dr ip trays into the holes in the
back panel. Slide the two drip pans into the holes in
the side panels. (See Figure 29.)
Figure 2 9
Step 11
Install the front drip tray and splash s hield under the
door spouts. (See Figure 30.)
Figure 3 0
Mix Pump Assembly
Step 1
Inspect the rubber pump parts. O-rings and gas ket
must be in 100% good condition for the pump and
entire machine to operate properly. The o-rings and
gasket cannot properly serve their intended function
if nicks, cuts, or holes in the material are present.
Replace any defective parts immediately and
discard the old.
Step 2
groove of the piston. DO NOT lubricate the o-ring.
(See Figure 31.)
Figure 3 1
Step 3
Apply a thin lay er of lubricant to the inside of the
pump cylinder at the retaining pin hole end. (See
Figure 32.)
Figure 3 2