
Remote Commands
C-78 GB1400 User Manual
test_state [run|stop]
Test State. This command is used to start or stop the test measurement process.
Min. Abbr. test_st
Arguments run: starts the test measurement process. Will initiate an
untimed, timed, or repeat test depending on the setup
of test mode.
stop: Stops the test measurement process. Will terminate
untimed or repeat tests. Will also prematurely end
timed tests before "test length" has elapsed.
Example test_state run
Test State Query. Returns a character string indicating the current state of the test
process. A response of RUN indicates that a test is in progress. A response of STOP
indicates that no test is in progress.
Min. Abbr. test_st
Returns [run|stop]
Example test_state? (command)
TEST_STATE RUN (response)