Performance Verification
E-6 GB1400 Acceptance Test
Confirmation of Generator Output Data Level Change
In this part of the functional test procedure, you will verify that the Analyzer threshold
responds correctly to the sample values of baseline offset and amplitude in the
Generator output. The sample values and threshold limits are summarized in the
following Data Levels table. Repeat steps 21 through 27 for each row of the Data Levels
Values in the following table are repeated; the purpose of this test is to
determine that the GB1400 responds correctly to changes in data level. You
do not need to read the results except at Step 26.
Data Levels
Generator Baseline Offset Generator Amplitude Analyzer Threshold Limits
−1.00 1.00 −0.70 to −0.30
0.00 1.00 0.30 to 0.70
−1.00 2.00 −0.20 to 0.20
q Step 21: Connect the cable to DATA THRESHOLD on the rear panel of the
q Step 22: In the Generator OUTPUT section, the DATA LED should be on. If not,
press the ‘DATA’ key. The INVERT DATA LED should be off. If it is not, press the
key to turn it off.
q Step 23: Use the Generator BASELINE OFFSET up/down keys to set the baseline
offset value shown in the Generator Baseline Offset column of the Data Levels table.
q Step 24: Use the AMPLITUDE up/down keys to set the amplitude to the value
shown in the Generator Amplitude column of the Data Levels table.
q Step 25: At the Generator, select another PRBS pattern (using the PATTERN
up/down keys) to initiate a resynchronization by the Analyzer.
q Step 26: Select the PRBS pattern PN7.
q Step 27: At the Analyzer, verify that once the green LOCK LED in the SYNC section
lights, the displayed threshold is between the limits shown in the Analyzer
Threshold Limits column of the Data Levels table. Cycle through all five PRBS
patterns (PN7, PN15, PN17, PN20, and PN23) and verify that the Analyzer
synchronizes on each pattern.
q Step 28: At the Analyzer, press the CLEAR button in the ERROR HISTORY section
to ensure than the SYNC LOSS LED is off.