Displaying Waveforms
3- 142
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Overview Related control elements and resourcesSet display styles (Cont.)
Access the
display setup
dialog box
2. From the toolbar, touch Disp, and t hen select the
Appearance tab. See right. The CSA7000 Series &
TDS7000 Series dialog box is shown.
Select the
display style
and waveform
3. From Display Persistence, choose a persistence mode:
H Off displays Waveforms with new data replacing
the data from previous waveform acquisit ions (no
H Infinit e persistence continuously accumulates
record points until you change an acquisition
H Variable persi stence accumulates record points for
a specified time. Each point decays in a set time
4. From Display Style, select an available style:
H Vectors di s plays lines between waveform dots.
H Dots displays waveform record points as dots.
H Inten Samp displays actual samples as bright dots
and blacks out interpolated samples.
Note. Adjustment of display intensity may be necessary
to set display intensity to the desired level.
5. Select an I nterpolati on mode by choosing Sin(x)/x or
Linear. For more information see Interpolation on
page 3--141.