CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
H Detailed command descriptions including syntax and examples
H Status and error messages
H Programming examples
The CD also contains a printable version of the programmer information in the
form of a PDF file.
Semi-Automated Performance Verification Pr ocedure. This software (TDS7104,
TDS7054, and TDS6000 Series Only) provides a semiautomated method to
verify the oscilloscope performance. The installer installs the software and a PDF
file that provides instructions to perform the procedure. The PDF file also lists
the specific test equipment required to perform the procedure.
You should not install this software on the oscilloscope, but rather on the PC you
plan to use as a GPIB controller. The GPIB controller must be equipped with a
National Instruments GPIB Controller card and software.
Manual Performance Verification Procedure. This is a printable PDF file that
describes how to verify the instrument performance using generic test equip-
User manual. This is a PDF file of this user manual.
Serial Mask User Manual. This is a PDF file that describes how to use the serial
mask features of the instrument.
Optional Accessory Software. The Optional Applications Software CD contains
programs that you can install and run five times per application. You can then
purchase an upgrade from Tektronix if you decide that you want to continue to
use the application. Refer to the instructions that accompany the CD for
installation information.