126 Handbook of Intercom Systems Engineering
KP96-7 Keypanel
The KP96-7 matrix intercom panel has 15 talk and 15 listen keys with alphanumeric
displays. This is a perfect quantity for the Director and Producer positions. In the large
control rooms, we have added the EKP96-8 Expansion Panel to these positions which
gives us an additional 16 talk and 16 listen keys with alphanumeric displays. These extra
keys are used for the IFB circuits. We have specified these panels, instead of the new
KP32 (32 Talk and Listen Keys, 2U), because of the customer’s desire for panel
differentiation between the IFB circuits and the other forms of communications (PL, ISO,
and PP) that will be programmed into the main KP96-7 panels.
KP96-6 Keypanel
All other positions in the large control rooms will have the KP96-6 keypanel. This unit has
seven talk and seven listen keys with alphanumeric displays. Most of the RTS
keypanels have the ability to adjust individual volumes of the point-to-point and
conference lines.
Other Considerations in Determining Intercom Needs
Physical Constraints
In mobile and fixed applications, there are times when the client does not have the luxury
to choose a given panel because there is not enough room to mount the panel. We will
cover alternative panels and other devices that can be substituted for both two-wire and
four-wire systems.
two-wire Conference Systems
For rack mount speaker stations, consider using the MRT327-K (1U) rather than the older
RMS300 (2U). You will gain call light ability with the MRT327, a removable panel
microphone, and a speaker that sounds great despite its small size.
In a tight fit, when using multi-channel master stations, the 810-CL may be substituted for
the model 803 Master Station. While not possessing all the features of the 803, this
compact 1U station still features 10 conferences.
In the central equipment rack, when considering a SAP1626 Source Assignment Panel to
add to an 803 system, you may consider the 4012 Break Out Panel instead. Though the
ability to quickly assign conference channels is lost, you will gain 6U in space. The reason
for this is that the 862 and SAP1626 are eliminated from your system, and the 4012
mounts in the back of the rack. Conferences are set to 803 buttons by connecting the TW
XLR3 cable to one of 12 jacks that determines the button assignment (1-12).
Four-Wire Point-to Point Systems
The Zeus
matrix may be specified if the port count is 24x24 or less. It is lightweight,
only 2U high, and all the connectors are on the back.
In a tight area where a 2U matrix intercom panel such as the KP96-7 (15T/15L) has been
specified, a substitute could be the KP12. The KP12 (2U) has 12 keys, alphanumeric
displays, speaker, and optional panel microphone. If a KP96-6 (7T/7L) has been specified,
the substitute in this case might be the MKP4-K. This 1U panel has four keys,
alphanumeric display for the call waiting window, panel microphone, and speaker.
In the case where a high-end station such as the KP96-7 with EKP96-8 expansion (4U
total) is earmarked, a KP32 keypanel (2U) could be specified gaining 2U of rack space.
This is particularly valuable in the large mobile situation.