Chapter 5 - Design of Matrix Intercom Systems 83
a connected matrix and the best way to learn the programs is to install them. An extensive
help file is provided and the program is laid out in a logical manner.
Because the configuration software is run on a standard Windows PC, and communicates
with the matrix via a standard serial RS-232 port, a number of possibilities exist for remote
configuration, control, and monitoring. One option is to replace the PC with an auto-
answering modem. This permits the PC, which is running AZ-EDIT, to connect from
anywhere via telephone lines and remotely control and diagnose the intercom.
If that notion strikes you as just a bit too insecure, there are a number of available utilities
such as PC-Anywhere, which can be used to accomplish the same thing in a different
manner. Install a PC running AZ-EDIT and PC-Anywhere at the matrix location. Use
another PC, running PC-Anywhere to dial into the PC at the matrix, running PC-
Anywhere, then supply the required login information, including security password, and
again, you have full ability to control and monitor the matrix remotely.
Figure 5.14
Matrix Intercom Remote Control
As noted earlier, the differences between system architectures for control of matrix
intercom systems from different manufacturers are significant. We do not go any further in
describing them, except to point out that in the case of Telex
Intercom systems,
the supplied software is included on the enclosed CD. You are encouraged to play with it.
Phone Line
Modem Modem
Remote PC Running
PC Anywhere
Local PC Running
PC Anywhere
Advanced Digital Audio Matrix