34 2B. Settings
Selecting RingerTypes for Messages
1. Press >Settings > Sounds > RingerType >
2. Select Text Message, Picture Mail, Voicemail,
Voice SMS,orEmail.
3. For Voicemail orEmail, skip to step 4. Otherwise,
select Contact Entries orUnknown #s.
If you select Contact Entries, select All Contacts or
One Contact.
4. Select a category and then select a ringer.
Selecting a RingerType for Alarms, Power
On/Off Tone, or Scheduled Events
1. Press >Settings > Sounds > RingerType.
2. Select Alarm, Power On, Power Off, orSchedule.
3. Select a category and then select a ringer.
Getting New Ringers
A wide variety of new ringers is available from the Sprint
Digital Lounge, and you can access them right from
yourphone. (Additional charges may apply, but some
are free.)
1. Press >Settings > Sounds > Ringer Type.
2. Select a category and subcategory as required until
you display a list of ringertype categories.
3. Select Get New. (The Digital Lounge will launch and
display the Ringers menu.)
4. Use the navigation key and keyboard to search
through available ringers. When you find one you
want, highlight it and press .
5. To purchase the ringer, highlight Buy and press .
(The ringerwill download automatically.)
6. When the download is finished, select an option to
Listen to listen to the ringer.
Set as to assign the ringerto a call ormessage
type orto a specific contact.
Shop to browse forotheritems to download.
Ringer types can be assigned from the Contacts
menu. See “Selecting a RingerType foran Entry”on
page 62.