GL-1010 Administrator’s Guide 7
Consider Network Protocol Limitations
The following sections outline the various configuration options
the GL-1010 supports as well as any limitations you may
encounter when setting up GL-1010 print services for your
network environment.
Determine if You Will Employ WINS Servers:
The GL-1010 currently supports the WINS host name resolution
service. While optional, the advantages of employing a WINS
server are many, especially if you are using DHCP to dynamically
assign IP Addresses (enabled by default):
n Users can refer to the device by its “user-friendly” name
rather than by IP address.
GL-1010-Supported Protocols
Protocols Considerations and Limitations
• Required if you want to manage the device using TopAccess.
• Required for LPD printing.
• If you will be employing DHCP for IP Address acquisition, which may
assign different IP Addresses to the GL-1010, consider setting up WINS
servers for host name resolution.
• The GL-1010 cannot be used as a Print Server in a Novell environment
over IP. However, it can be used as a Printer Agent if you have set up
NDPS printing.
• Running the GL-1010 as a Print Server in a Novell environment is sup-
ported only over IPX/SPX. NetWare 5.x defaults to TCP/IP.
• The Frame Type is set to Auto Sense by default. To optimize the GL-1010
for your network, you may want to set the Frame Type, which you can do
locally, from the copier’s front panel LCD screen, or remotely by using
TopAccess or TopAccess.
• NetBEUI is enabled by default. You can disable NetBEUI from the copier
control panel or by using the remote device management tool,TopAccess.
Refer to Modifying Device Settings on page 27.
• Additionally, you must define a NetBEUI enabled port to which you can
map the GL-1010.
Token Ring
• TokenTalk for Macintosh printing is not supported.
• Available over EtherTalk only; TokenTalk is not supported.
• The GL-1010 supports all Macintosh computers that use AppleShare,
which includes all Macintoshes running version 6.0.7 (or later) operating
system except for the Macintosh XL and 128K.