6 F 8 A 0 9 3 4
10.1 Digital I/O Specifications
The specifications of the digital I/O terminals for the converter for electromagnetic flowmeter: LF546 are
as follows:
Digital Output 1(DO1 )
Output type: Transistor open collector
Number of outputs: 1
Capacity: 30 V dc, 200 mA maximum
Digital Output 2(DO2 )
Output type: Solidstate relay (non polarity)
Number of outputs: 1
Capacity: 150 V dc, 150 mA maximum
150 V ac(peal-to-peak), 100 mA maximum
Digital Input (DI )
Input signal: 20 to 30 V dc voltage signal
• High input level—20 to 30 V dc
• Low input level—2 V dc maximum
Input resistance: Approximately 2.7 kΩ
Number of inputs: One point
• Each I/O terminal can be used as a specified function terminal when selected.
• Terminal COM is the signal COMMON for the other three terminals (DO1, DO2 and DI).
• Each terminal is isolated from the internal circuits.
(The output terminals are not isolated from each other.)
Solidstate relay
Transistor open collector
Voltage input (DI)
Contact output 2 (DO2)
Contact output 1 (DO1)
Photo coupler