7.1. Baud rate(, ) , Parity ()
•Communication baud rate and parity bit should be uniform inside the same network.
•This parameter is validated by resetting the power supply.
7.2. Inverter number()
This parameter sets individual numbers with the inverters.
Inverter numbers should not be duplicate inside the same network.
Receiving data will be canceled if inverter numbers specified in individual communication and set by
a parameter do not match.
This parameter is validated from the communication after change
Data range: 0 to 247 (Initial value: 0)
Parameters can be selected between 0 and 247. Note that the communication protocols limit in-
verter numbers as follows:
● TOSHIBA Inverter Protocol ASCII mode: 0 to 99
● TOSHIBA Inverter Protocol Binary mode: 0 to 63
● MODBUS Protocol: 0 to 247 (0: Broadcast communication)