Frequency setting from the computer “Communication Number: FA01, FA05”
Setting range: 0 to maximum frequency (fh)
This frequency command is enabled only when the frequency command by communication is en-
abled. To make frequency commands from the computer valid, set the frequency setting mode se-
lection parameter (fmod) to RS485 communication (communication No. 0004: 5 (2-wire RS485
communication input) or 6 (4-wire RS485 communication input) or select the “Command priority”
option (bit 14 of FA00 and FA04: 1 (enabled)). In this case, frequency commands by communica-
tion will be enabled independent of fmod setting.
However, enabled commands and frequencies are given the priority if “48 (49): Forced switching
from communication to local,” “56 (57): Forced continuous operation,” or “58 (59): Specified speed
operation” is set by input terminal function selection (f11o to f118).
Once enabled, this frequency setting will be enabled till disable is set (0 setting), power is turned off
or is reset, or factory default setting (typ) is selected.
Set a frequency by communication hexadecimal in Communication Number FA01, FA05.
(1=0.01Hz (unit))
Example: Operation frequency 80Hz command by 2-wire RS485 communication (PFA011F40) CR
Torque command setting from the computer “2-wire RS485 communication: FA30,
4-wire RS485 communication: FA32
This section explains how to set a torque command value for inverters. The torque command value
set here takes effect if torque commands from the computer are valid when the inverters are in tor-
que control mode (in cases where torque control is selected with the terminal board or with a com-
munication command when ( is set to 4 or 8).
To make torque commands from the computer valid, set the torque command selection parameter
(communication No. 0420) to 5 (2-wire RS485 communication input) or 6 (4-wire RS485
communication input). Once torque commands from the computer have been set, they remain valid
until they are changed, the inverters is turned off or reset, or the parameter for returning set-
tings to their defaults is selected. (The settings of FA30 and FA32 are not stored in EEPROM.
Therefore, they are cleared when the inverter is turned off or reset.)
When setting a torque for torque commands from the computer, specify a torque in hexadecimal
(unit: 1=0.01%, two-wire RS485 communication: FA30 or four-wire RS485 communication: FA32).
Example: 50% torque command (PFA321388)