creases below a predetermined level.
★ In the event of overheating-caused tripping (
), re-tripping may result unless the internal temperature
decreases below a predetermined level, since the internal temperature detection function of the inverter
★ Even when trip retention selection parameter
is set to " ", the retry function is enabled by
★ During retrying, the blinking display will alternate between "
" and the monitor display specified by
status monitor display mode selection parameter
6.12.4 Dynamic (regenerative) braking
: Dynamic braking selection
: Braking resistor operation rate
• Function
The VFS9 does not contain a braking resistor. Connect an external braking resistor in the following
cases to enable dynamic braking:
1) when decelerating the motor abruptly or if overvoltage tripping (OP) occurs during deceleration
2) when a continuous regenerative status occurs during downward movement of a lift or the wind-
ing-out operation of a tension control machine
3) when the load fluctuates and a continuous regenerative status results even during constant
speed operation of a machine such as a press
[Parameter setting]
Title Function Adjustment range Default setting
Dynamic braking selection
0: Dynamic braking disabled
1: Dynamic braking enabled, overload
protection disabled
2: Dynamic braking enabled, overload
protection enabled
Braking resistor operation rate
1 ∼ 100 (% ED)