■ Table of input terminal functions (2/3)
Code Function Action
16 ST+RST Combination of standby and reset commands ON: Simultaneous input from ST and RST
17 ST+PNL/TB Combination of standby and operation
panel/terminal board switching
ON: Simultaneous input from ST and PNL/TB
18 F+JOG Combination of forward run and jog run ON: Simultaneous input from F and JOG
19 R+JOG Combination of reverse run and jog run ON: Simultaneous input from R and JOG
20 F+AD2 Combination of forward run and acceleration/
deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from F and AD2
21 R+AD2 Combination of reverse run and acceleration/
deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from R and AD2
22 F+SS1 Combination of forward run and preset-speed
command 1
ON: Simultaneous input from F and SS1
23 R+SS1 Combination of reverse run and preset-speed
command 1
ON: Simultaneous input from R and SS1
24 F+SS2 Combination of forward run and preset-speed
command 2
ON: Simultaneous input from F and SS2
25 R+SS2 Combination of reverse run and preset-speed
command 2
ON: Simultaneous input from R and SS2
26 F+SS3 Combination of forward run and preset-speed
command 3
ON: Simultaneous input from F and SS3
27 R+SS3 Combination of reverse run and preset-speed
command 3
ON: Simultaneous input from R and SS3
28 F+SS4 Combination of forward run and preset-speed
command 4
ON: Simultaneous input from F and SS4
29 R+SS4 Combination of reverse run and preset-speed
command 4
ON: Simultaneous input from R and SS4
30 F+SS1+AD2 Combination of forward run, preset-speed
command 1 and acceleration/deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from F, SS1 and AD2
31 R+SS1+AD2 Combination of reverse run, preset-speed
command 1 and acceleration/deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from R, SS1 and AD2
32 F+SS2+AD2 Combination of forward run, preset-speed
command 2 and acceleration/deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from F, SS2 and AD2
33 R+SS2+AD2 Combination of reverse run, preset-speed
command 2 and acceleration/deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from R, SS2 and AD2
34 F+SS3+AD2 Combination of forward run, preset-speed
command 3 and acceleration/deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from F, SS3 and AD2
35 R+SS3+AD2 Combination of reverse run, preset-speed
command 3 and acceleration/deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from R, SS3 and AD2
36 F+SS4+AD2 Combination of forward run, preset-speed
command 4 and acceleration/deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from F, SS4 and AD2
37 R+SS4+AD2 Combination of reverse run, preset-speed
command 4 and acceleration/deceleration 2
ON: Simultaneous input from R, SS4 and AD2
38 FCHG Frequency command forced switching Enabled if : 2
39 THR2 No. 2 thermal switching ON: No. 2 thermal
(.... : 0, , , )
OFF: No. 1 thermal
( setting: , , )
40 MCHG No. 2 motor switching ON: No. 2 motor
(.... : 0, , , , ,
, )
OFF: No. 1 motor
( setting: , , , , ,
41 UP Frequency UP signal input from external contacts Enabled if
ON: Increase in frequency
42 DOWN Frequency DOWN signal input from external
Enabled if
ON: Decrease in frequency
43 CLR Frequency UP/DOWN clear signal input from
external contacts
Off→ON: Resetting of UP/DOWN frequency by
means of external contacts
44 CLR+RST Combination of frequency UP/DOWN clear and
reset by means of external contacts
ON: Simultaneous input from CLR and RST