The following checklist is provided
as an abbreviated guide to periodic
maintenance. Detailed procedural
information is given after this
Table 5. Routine maintenance checklist
Frequency Maintenance
After 48 hours
of operation
Belts have acquired their permanent set. Readjust but do not overtighten. See the “Tension the Fan Belt” section on
page 45 for more information.
Every week Observe unit weekly for any change in running condition and unusual noise.
Every month • Clean or replace air filters if clogged or dirty; coat permanent filters with oil after cleaning. See the “Air Filters” section
on page 49 for more information.
• Relubricate fan bearings if necessary. See the “Fan Bearing Lubrication” section on page 51 for more information.
• Check and adjust fan belt tension.
Every three to
six months
• Check fan bearing grease line connections. Lines should be tight to the bearings.
• Check bearing and motor bracket bolt torque and bearing setscrew torque.
• Align fan and motor sheaves. Tighten sheave set screws to the proper torque. See the “Sheave Alignment” section on
page 47 for more information.
• Inspect and clean drain pans. See the “Drain Pans” section on page 50 for more information.
• Tighten electrical connections.
• Inspect coils for dirt build-up. See the “Coils” section on page 52 for more information.
Every year • Inspect the unit casing for corrosion. If damage is found, clean and repaint the surface with a rust-resistant primer
and vinyl chlorinated lacquer.
• Clean the fan wheels and fan shaft. See the “Fans” section on page 50 for more information.
• Inspect and clean drain pans.
• Check damper linkages, set screws, and blade adjustment. Clean, but do not lubricate, the nylon damper rod
• Clean damper operators.
• Inspect electrical components and insulation.
• Inspect wiring for damage.
• Rotate the fan wheel and check for obstructions in the fan housing. The wheel should not rub on the fan housing.
Adjust the center if necessary and tighten wheel set screws to the proper torque.
• Lubricate motor bearings in accordance with motor manufacturer’s recommendations (see the “Fan Bearing
Lubrication” section on page 51 for more information).
• Check condition of gasketing and insulation around unit, door and dampers.
• Examine flex connections for cracks or leaks. Repair or replace damaged material.
Hazardous Service
The maintenance and
troubleshooting procedures
recommended in this section of the
manual could result in exposure to
electrical, mechanical or other
potential safety hazards. Always
refer to the safety warnings provided
throughout this manual concerning
these procedures. When possible,
disconnect all electrical power
including remote disconnects before
servicing. Follow proper lockout/
tagout procedures to ensure the
power can not be inadvertently
For variable frequency drives or
other energy storing components
provided by Trane or others, refer to
the appropriate manufacturer’s
literature for allowable waiting
periods for discharge of capacitors.
Verify with an appropriate voltmeter
that all capacitors have discharged.
When servicing fans or ductwork,
secure the impeller to physically
restrict rotational movement. When
necessary to work with live
electrical components, have a
qualified licensed electrician or
other individual who has been
trained in handling live electrical
components perform these tasks.
Failure to follow all of the
recommended safety warnings
provided, could result in death or
serious injury