Routine Maintenance
See “
WARNING Hazardous
Voltage with Capacitors!” on
page 49 regarding
disconnection of power.
Drain Pans
The condensate drain pan and drain
line must be checked to assure the
condensate drains as designed. This
inspection should occur a minimum
of every six months or more often as
dictated by operating experience.
If evidence of standing water or
condensate overflow exists, identify
and remedy the cause immediately.
Refer to the “Troubleshooting”
section on page 56 for possible
causes and solutions.
To clean drain pans:
1 Disconnect all electrical power to
the unit.
2 Wearing the appropriate
personal protective equipment,
remove any standing water.
3 Scrape solid matter off of the
drain pan.
4 Vacuum the drain pan with a
vacuum device that uses high-
efficiency particulate arrestance
(HEPA) filters with a minimum
efficiency of 99.97 percent at
0.3 micron particle size.
5 Thoroughly clean all areas with a
mild bleach and water solution or
an EPA-approved sanitizer
specifically designed for HVAC
6 Immediately rinse the affected
surfaces thoroughly with fresh
water and a fresh sponge to
prevent potential corrosion of
metal surfaces.
7 Allow the unit to dry completely
before putting it back into
8 Be careful that any contaminated
material does not contact other
areas of the unit or building.
Properly dispose of all
contaminated materials and
cleaning solution.
Inspecting and Cleaning
Fan sections of air handlers should
be inspected every six months at a
minimum or more frequently if
operating experience dictates. If
evidence of microbial growth (mold)
is found, identify and remedy the
cause immediately. Refer to the
“Troubleshooting” section on
page 56 for possible causes and
solutions. To clean the fan section:
1 Disconnect all electrical power to
the unit.
2 Wearing the appropriate
personal protective equipment,
remove any contamination.
3 Vacuum the section with a
vacuum device that uses high-
efficiency particulate arrestance
(HEPA) filters with a minimum
efficiency of 99.97 percent at
0.3 micron particle size.
Figure 49. Bearing set screw alignment
4 Thoroughly clean all areas with a
mild bleach and water solution or
an EPA-approved sanitizer
specifically designed for HVAC
5 Immediately rinse the affected
surfaces thoroughly with fresh
water and a fresh sponge to
prevent potential corrosion of
metal surfaces.
6 Allow the unit to dry completely
before putting it back into
7 Be careful that any contaminated
material does not contact other
areas of the unit or building.
Properly dispose of all
contaminated materials and
cleaning solution.
Bearing Set Screw
Align bearing set screws as
illustrated in Figure 49. Table 4 on
page 47 provides bearing set screw
torque measurements.