50 HC 920 • HC 940 • HC 960
Accessories and spare parts
12. Accessories and spare parts
12.1 Accessories for HC units (accessories illustration, see page 120)
HC 920 HC 940 HC 940-SSP HC 960 HC 960-SSP
Item Order No. Oder No. Order No. Order No. Order No. Description
1 0096 019 0096 019 0096 019 0096 019 0096 019 Pole gun 100 cm
0096 005 0096 005 0096 005 0096 005 0096 005 Pole gun 150 cm
0096 006 0096 006 0096 006 0096 006 0096 006 Pole gun 270 cm
2 –––––––– –––––––– –––––––– –––––––– –––––––– High-pressure hoses and connection
sockets, see under 11. Standard
equipment HC units
3 0256 343 0256 343 –––––––– –––––––– –––––––– Double socket NPSM 3/8 inch
(for hose extension)
–––––––– –––––––– 3202 901 3202 901 3202 901 Double socket 1/2 inch
(for hose extension)
–––––––– –––––––– 9985 781 9985 781 9985 781 Double socket 3/4 inch
(for hose extension)
4 0268 905 0268 905 0268 905 0268 905 0268 905 Texture tip set 4, 6, 8, 10 mm
5 0258 202 0258 202 0258 202 0258 202 0258 202 Spray head for working
with Airless filler (sprinkle texture)
with air support
0258 720 0258 720 0258 720 0258 720 0258 720 Sprinkle texture set:
Spray head, texture tip set,
tip-cleaning needle and air hose
DN 9 mm, 15 m with rapid action
coupling (no. fig.)
6 0345 010 0345 010 0345 010 0345 010 0345 010 In-line roller IR-100
7 –––––––– 0349 907 0349 907 0349 907 0349 907 Container suction system,
hose diameter 50 mm
–––––––– –––––––– 9991 651 –––––––– 9991 651 Reduction adapter B- to C- coupling
8 –––––––– 0258 712 –––––––– 0258 712 –––––––– Dispersion system
9 –––––––– 0258 715 –––––––– 0258 715 –––––––– Plaster system
10 –––––––– –––––––– 0349 910 –––––––– 0349 910 Container – Spacspray (plaster)
12.2 Spare parts list for the material feed pump HC 920 (spare parts diagram, see page 121)
Item Order No. Description
1 0349 473 Cover (2)
2 0349 472 Screw (2)
3 0349 406*(**) Spiral ring
4 0349 506 Connection pin
5 0349 612 Adapter
6 0349 238*(**) Packing, complete (2)
7 0349 498 Conical spring
8 0349 507* Piston rod
9 0349 493 Spring plate
10 0349 505*(**) Bushing
11 0349 504 Pressure spring
12 0349 519*(**) Ball
13 0555 651* Outlet valve seat
14 0555 652*(**) Seal washer
15 0555 653 Outlet valve housing
Item Order No. Description
16 0349 503*(**) O-ring (2)
17 0349 508* Cylinder
18 0349 502*(**) O-ring
19 0528 071 Wave washer
20 0528 080 Ball cage
21 0349 509*(**) Ball
22 0509 592* Inlet valve seat
23 0509 582*(**) Seat o-ring
24 0528 009 Inlet valve housing
25 0507 782 Suction tube
26 0349 602 Filter, 10 meshes
0528 105* Service set: Major
0528 104** Service set: Minor
9992 504 250 ml separating oil (Mesamoll)