HC 920 • HC 940 • HC 960 51
Accessories and spare parts
Item Order No. Description
1 9907 195 Hex screw (4)
2 9920 102 Washer (4)
3 9900 513 Screw
4 0349 683 Pressure plate
5 0349 684 Plug plate
6 0367 525 O-ring (2)
7 0349 685 Sealing ring
8 0349 556 Ball cage
9 0037 776 Pressure spring
10 9941 537 Ball
11 0349 557 Ball seat
12 9930 411 Grooved pin
13 9906 025 Head cap screw
14 9971 009 O-ring
15 0349 555 Plug
16 0349 152 Plug assembly
17 0349 688 Sealing plug with adapter
18 9971 148 O-ring
19 9941 501 Ball
20 0349 151 Outlet valve assembly
Item Order No. Description
21 9910 712 Cap nut M 6 (2)
22 9923 501 Disk spring (4)
23 0349 690 Connection element
24 9910 113 Hexagon nut M 6
25 0349 551 Flat perforated screw
26 9923 504 Disk spring
27 0349 576 Packing, complete
28 3053 865 Retaining ring
29 0349687 Insert
30 9971 353 O-ring 21 x 2
31 0349 408 O-ring 50 x 1.78
32 0349 686 Groove nut
33 0349 682 Inlet valve housing
34 9971 489 O-ring 47 x 2.5
35 0349 545 Rod
36 9920 311 Washer
37 0349 544 Shovel valve plate
38 0349 543 Shovel valve
39 0349 580 Suction tube
0349 150 Shovel valve assembly
12.3 Spare parts list for the material feed pump
HC 940 • HC 940-SSP • HC 960 • HC 960-SSP
(spare parts diagram, see page 121)
12.4 Spare parts list for the shovel valve
HC 940-SSP • HC 960-SSP
(spare parts diagram, see page 122)
HC 940 HC 940-SSP HC 960 HC 960-SSP
Item Order No. Order No. Order No. Order No. Description
1 0349 473 0349 473 0349 473 0349 473 Cover (2)
2 0349 472 0349 472 0349 472 0349 472 Screw (2)
3 0349 406*(**) 0349 406*(**) 0349 406*(**) 0349 406*(**) Spiral ring
4 0349 407 0349 407 0349 407 0349 407 Connection pin
5 0349 612 0349 612 0349 612 0349 612 Adapter
6 0349 409*(**) 0349 409*(**) 0349 409*(**) 0349 409*(**) Packing, complete (2)
7 0349 410 0349 410 0349 410 0349 410 Conical spring
8 0349 596* 0349 596* 0349 411* 0349 411* Piston rod
9 0349 412 0349 412 0349 412 0349 412 Flange bushing
10 0349 413 0349 413 0349 413 0349 413 Pressure spring
11 0349 622*(**) 0349 622*(**) 0349 622*(**) 0349 622*(**) Ball cage
12 0349 414*(**) 0349 414*(**) 0349 414*(**) 0349 414*(**) Ball
13 0555 668* 0555 668* 0555 668* 0555 668* Outlet valve seat
14 0555 669*(**) 0555 669*(**) 0555 669*(**) 0555 669*(**) Seal washer
15 0555 670 0555 670 0555 670 0555 670 Outlet valve housing
16 0349 408*(**) 0349 408*(**) 0349 408*(**) 0349 408*(**) O-ring (2)
17 0349 606* 0349 606* 0349 416* 0349 416* Cylinder
18 0349 417*(**) 0349 417*(**) 0349 417*(**) 0349 417*(**) O-ring
19 0528 081 0528 081 0528 081 0528 081 Wave washer
20 0555 672 –––––––– 0555 672 –––––––– Ball cage
21 0509 707*(**) –––––––– 0509 707*(**) –––––––– Ball
22 0509 623* 0509 623* 0509 623* 0509 623* Inlet valve seat
23 0509 708*(**) 0509 708*(**) 0509 708*(**) 0509 708*(**) Seat o-ring
24 0528 011 –––––––– 0528 011 –––––––– Inlet valve housing
25 0349 300 –––––––– 0349 300 –––––––– Suction tube
0528 102* 0528 102* 0528 103* 0528 103* Service set: Major
0528 101** 0528 101** 0528 101** 0528 101** Service set: Minor
9992 504 9992 504 9992 504 9992 504 250 ml separating oil (Mesamoll)