I-2 Index
color server
back view showing connectors 1-13
Control Panel 2-3
copier connector 1-13
Direct connection 2-31
display 2-2
Ethernet interface 1-12
Job Log 2-37
network installation summary 1-3
parallel connector 1-13
power switch 1-13
Print queue 2-31
queues 2-32
color server Setup, Control Panel 2-2 to
accessing 2-2 to 2-6
Job Log Setup 2-37
Network Setup 2-9
Printer Setup 2-32
printing the map 2-5
Server Setup 2-7
summary 2-2
Color Setup 2-2, 2-36
configuring network clients
NetWare 3-15 to 3-17
Windows NT 3-25 to 3-26
configuring network servers
NetWare 3-2, 3-4 to 3-15
UNIX 3-31
Windows NT 3-19
configuring the color server 2-1 to 2-43
connected Novell servers, Bindery 2-29
copier interface cable 1-11
network cable 1-12 to 1-14
parallel cable 1-14
to a Bindery file server 2-27, 2-28
Token Ring cable A-2
to multiple Bindery servers 2-26, 2-27
connections published 2-31
connection to printer fails 4-9
Control Panel 2-2
accessing calibration 2-37
accessing Setup 2-2 to 2-4
Change Password option 2-37
Clear Server option 2-37
diagram 2-3
entering settings 2-5
idle screen 2-3
illustrated Setup examples 2-6
Job Log Setup option 2-37
map, printing 2-5
Network Setup 2-9
Printer Setup 2-32
Server Setup 2-7
conventions used in manual xiii
Convert Paper Sizes option 2-34
copier interface cable 1-11
Courier font, allowing substitution
with 2-35
cover page, printing at end of job 2-34
date, setting 2-7
Default Paper Sizes option 2-34
delete symbol, in Setup display 2-5
diagrams of network setup 1-4 to 1-10
Direct connection 2-31
jobs 2-31, 2-43
publishing 2-33
disconnecting a Bindery file server 2-26,
disk space 4-3
DNS (Domain Name Services) 3-18, 3-22
documentation, about the xii
DOS character set 2-8
Downloader, see utilities