2-16 Setting up the DocuColor
Gateway Address
Use this option to set the gateway address for printing with TCP/IP. By default, the
loopback address,, is set. (The loopback address is a specially reserved
address that allows for certain TCP/IP diagnostic tests to be run without being con-
nected to a network.)
Choose the next network type or choose Exit TCP/IP Setup and proceed to Service
TCP/IP Setup with Token Ring
Enable TCP/IP for Token Ring, and enter the IP address and subnet mask. Then, if
your TCP/IP network has a gateway, and users outside the gateway plan to print to the
If your TCP/IP network has a gateway, and users outside the gateway plan to print
to the DocuColor using TCP/IP, choose Gateway Setup and enter the gateway
address here.
The gateway address applies to either a Token Ring or an Ethernet network. If
TCP/IP is running on both an Ethernet and a Token Ring network, the gateway
address you enter has to match the network number of either the Ethernet or the
Token Ring network.
Network Setup
Protocol Setup
TCP/IP Setup
Gateway Setup
Exit TCP/IP Setup
Ethernet Setup
Token Ring Setup
Gateway Setup
TCP/IP Setup