form 1. Compiled forms source library (.FSL) file. 2. Printed or typed
document with blank spaces for inserting information. Specific
arrangement of lines, text, and graphics stored in a computer
under an identifying name. Page of data that, when preceded by
proper commands, is stored on the system disk as a permanent
file. It may be merged with variable data by a form start
command. See also FDL; FSL.
format 1. Layout of a document, including margins, page length, line
spacing, typeface, and so on. 2. In data storage, the way the
surface of a disk is organized to store data. 3. To prepare the
surface of a disk for acceptance of data.
FSL Forms source library. Uncompiled collection of user-created files
containing FDL commands. Refer to FDL; form.
graphics Use of lines and figures to display data, as opposed to using text.
grid Imaginary pattern of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines
on a page.
grid unit Smallest rectangle enclosed by horizontal and vertical lines on a
grid. The size of a grid unit is expressed as the length of one
side of a rectangle.
hardcopy Machine output in permanent form, such as printed reports,
listings, and so on. Output in a permanent form (usually on
paper or paper tape) rather than in temporary form, as on a
display. Contains readable printed copy of machine (for
example, computer) output.
hard values Nonoptimal adjustment of particular FIS fonts in terms of point
size and orientation.
hardware Physical components, such as mechanical, magnetic, and
electronic elements of a system, as opposed to programs,
procedures, rules, and associated documentation. Hardware is
operated by software and firmware.
HCF High-Capacity Feeder. An LPS option that increases the number
of input paper trays.
HCS High-Capacity Stacker. An LPS option that increases the number
of feeder stackers.
hexadecimal Numbering system with a base of 16. In this system, 10 through
15 are represented by A through F, respectively.
hierarchy Relative priority assigned to arithmetic or logical operations that
must be performed.