label 1. In data storage, a reference to a file saved on tape or disk, a
record indicating the file name or date created, or other control
information. 2. In programming, a name assigned to a particular
instruction or portion of a program as a locational reference (the
computer translates the label into an address).
landscape page orientation Orientation of print lines or top of an illustration parallel to the
long edge of the paper if the sheet is within the standard size
range. (Sheets larger than standard have the reverse print
language Defined set of characters and symbols combined together by
specific rules. See also high-level language; low-level language.
laser printing Technology that uses a laser to transfer character forms to a page
by direct or indirect means.
leading 1. Vertical distance between lines (also called line space),
measured from a baseline of one line to the baseline of the next.
2. Extra spacing between lines of type. 3. In typography,
spacing between lines and paragraphs.
LED Light emitting diode. Solid substance that glows when a current
is passed through it. Often used for indicator lights on disk
drives or modems, as well as for displays on other electronic
LEF long-edge feed. The movement of paper through the printer in
the direction of the paper length (the longer side of a sheet of
legal size Sheet the standard size of legal briefs, 8.5 by 14 inches.
letter size Paper sized 8.5 by 11 inches/216 by 279 mm.
library In data storage, a collection of related files or programs.
line One horizontal flow of characters.
line feed Control character that, unless set to be interpreted as a line end,
causes the printing system to begin printing in the current
character position of the next line.
line printer High-speed printer that prints an entire line of characters at one
line tables Internal data structures providing a record in memory of lines to
be drawn on a page.
location Place in which data can be stored.