❖ Send Settings
❖ Reception Settings
Function name Description
Max. E-mail Size Specify to limit the size of e-mail messages
that are transmitted, if receivers limit e-mail
size, or you cannot send large size e-mail for
some reason.
Program / Change / Delete Standard Mes-
Program standard messages to be printed at
the top of the first page of the original of the
opposite party.
Backup File TX Setting You can specify whether or not to send to a
selected folder the backup of a file sent by
Memory Transmission.
Function name Description
Switch Reception Mode
Specify the method for receiving fax documents.
Program Special Sender By programming particular receivers as Spe-
cial Sender in advance, you can have Special
Senders treated differently.
Program Special Sender: Print List You can print the Special Sender List.
Forwarding Specify whether or not received fax docu-
ments are to be forwarded to a programmed
Reception File Setting Selects whether received documents are
saved on the hard disk to be printed later or
printed immediately without being saved.
Stored Reception File User Setting The administrator can be specified for man-
aging documents stored on the machine after
fax documents are received.
SMTP RX File Delivery Settings This function is available on systems that al-
low routing of e-mail received via SMTP.
2 Sided Print Specify whether or not received fax docu-
ments are to be printed on both sides of the
Checkered Mark Specify whether or not a checkered mark is
to be saved on the hard to be printed on the
first page of received fax documents.
Center Mark Specify whether or not a center mark is to be
printed halfway down the left side and at the
top center of each page received.
Print Reception Time Specify whether or not the received date,
time, and file number are printed at the bot-
tom of received fax documents.
Reception File Print Quantity Specify the number of copies to be printed
for each fax document received.