Specifying a Destination
p.29 “Internet Fax Functions”
p.76 “Using the Address Book to Specify Destinations”
p.101 “Sender Settings”
p.114 “Canceling a Transmission”
p.278 “Maximum Values”
“Entering Text”, About This Machine
“System Settings”, General Settings Guide
“Facsimile Features”, General Settings Guide
“Registering Addresses and Users for Facsimile/Scanner Functions”, Gen-
eral Settings Guide
Bypassing the SMTP server
You can send Internet Fax documents directly to their destinations without go-
ing through the SMTP server.
❒ To use this function, the following settings must be made. For details about
these settings, see “System Settings”, General Settings Guide and “Special
Operations under Windows”, Network Guide.
• In “System Settings”, “SMTP” in “E-mail Communication Port”, set the
port number to “25”.
• To specify the host name of the other party as the domain part of the e-mail
address, program the host name of the other party on the DNS server.
❒ If the other party's IPv4 address is not registered on the DNS server, specify
the IPv4 address at the domain part of the e-mail address.
❒ To use this function, the other party's fax machine must be:
• compatible with Internet Fax
• connected to the same LAN as this machine
• have its reception protocol set to SMTP
❒ SMTP authentication set on the other party's fax machine is disabled when In-
ternet Fax is transmitted using this function.
If an Internet Fax is transmitted from the other party using this function, even
if reception is not successful, an Error Mail Notification is not sent to the sender.
❒ When an Internet Fax is transmitted using this function, even if transmission
is not successful, the error e-mail is not sent from the server.
❒ When using this function, you cannot send Internet Fax documents to the ad-
ministrator's e-mail address programmed on this machine.