Output Options Select from Front Cover, Feed Cover from, Transparency
Separators, Job Offset, Stapling, or select Margin Shift Restore
Defaults buttons.
Graphics Specify how you want to manipulate graphic images for your print
job. Select from the following options: Output Color, Print Mode,
Image Adjustment Mode, Image Types, Image Auto Correction, or
select the Image Settings, Color Balance, Profile Settings,
Detailed Settings, or Restore Defaults buttons.
For more information on how to set graphic options refer to section
C.) Special Printing in the User Guide (Print).
Watermarks Specify watermark settings. Selections for watermarks include
First Page Only or In Background, Encircle, Text, Position, Angle,
or select the Restore Defaults button.
Fonts Use the TrueType Font control to select how TrueType Fonts will
be processed and printed.
User Settings The User Settings tab provides options for you to save frequently
used print driver settings and then recall these settings without
having to configure again.
About The About tab displays the name, version, and copyright
information of the print driver.