Print Mode
Specify whether to give priority to the print speed or the image
quality. The printer/copier is capable of printing at three different
High Speed: 600 x 600
Standard: 1200 x 600
High Quality: 1200 x 1200
To change resolution settings, use the Print Mode selections.
NOTE: The Image Enhancement feature is not available when
Standard or High Quality is selected.
NOTE: If printing is slow even when High Speed has been
selected, try setting Print Page Mode on the Configuration tab to
On. The printing time may be shortened.
Image Adjustment Mode
The possible feature combinations of Print Mode and Output Color
and other options of the Graphics tab are as follows:
NOTE: When Black has been selected for Output Color, only
Recommended can be selected for Image Adjustment.
Options Contents
High Speed Prints faster but with a loss of image
Standard The average mode of High Speed and
High Quality.
High Quality Prints with better quality but slower
Options Contents
Recommended A unique system of our company to
adjust image quality.