5-10 Printing
Click in the Copies box to enter a value (1 to 99), or click on one of the
arrows to raise or lower the value in the Copies box.
Paper Source
Click on the Down arrow to display the two Paper Source options, then
click on the Paper tray or Manual feed option.
Paper Size
Click on the Down arrow to display the Paper Size options, then click on
the desired paper size:
Click on one of the two radio buttons to select either Portrait or Landscape
orientation for your print job.
Click in the Reduce/Enlarge box to enter a percent value (10 to 200), or
click on one of the arrows to raise or lower the value in the Reduce/
Enlarge box. A value of 100 will result in printing your job the same size as
the original document.
Letter 8.5 x 11 in. Folio 8.5 x 13 in.
Legal 8.5 x 14 in. B5 182 x 257 mm.
Executive 7.25 x
10.5 in.
10 4.125 x 9.5 in.
A4 210 x 297 mm. DL 110 x 220 mm.
A5 148 x 210 mm.