10-6 Glossary
MB Megabyte. A measure of memory storage
mm Millimeter. A unit of length.
MMDDYY This expression refers to MonthDayYear in a six
digit format.
On/Off Line This button found on the control panel turns your
machine on-line or off-line. A lamp lights when
the machine is turned on-line.
One-touch buttons This is a set of 20 buttons found on the left front
of the machine’s control panel. Each button can
be set up to automatically speed dial a phone
number or a group of phone numbers.
One-touch Label This is a removable paper label that is positioned
over the one-touch buttons on the left front of the
machine’s control panel.
OS Operating System. Windows 95 is an Operating
Parallel interface port This refers to the printer port found on the back
of your machine. The Centronics printer cable
plugs into this port.