
www.xilinx.com PCI-X v5.1 165 Getting Started Guide
UG158 March 24, 2008
04/04/02 2.2.1 Updated trademarks page in ug000_title.fm.
06/24/02 3.0 Initial Xilinx release of corporate-wide common template set, used for User Guides,
Tutorials, Release Notes, Manuals, and other lengthy, multiple-chapter documents
created by both CMP and ITP. See related documents for further information.
Descriptions for revisions prior to v3.0 have been abbreviated. For a full summary of revision
changes prior to v3.0, refer to v2.2.1 template set.
10/30/02 3.1 Updated spelling of RocketIO and SelectIO trademarks in ug000_title.fm per 10/09/02
broadcast email announcement. Also updated file version number and date.
12/06/02 3.2 Fixed all instances of old character formats in header/footer in Master pages.
01/20/03 3.3 Revised copyright date in ug000_title.fm to 2003. Changed all instances of “Manual” in
ug000_preface.fm to “Guide.”
02/06/03 3.4 Added paragraph formats GlossBulleted, GlossNumbered, and GlossNumberedCont.
02/25/03 3.4.1 Minor clean-ups and corrections.
03/25/03 3.5 Corrected Reference Page identification problem that prevented the IX (index)
Reference page from taking control of Index formatting.
Modified paragraph tags Level1IX through Level3IX (index entries) to provide a
more uniform appearance and enhance clarity.
Removed <Italic> attribute from Heading2TOC special string on Reference pages.
Changed autonumbering properties of FigureTitle and TableTitle to remove chapter
number and hyphen.
04/30/03 3.5.1 Updated Additional Resources table in Preface to give correct URL to data sheets index
page instead of to obsolete Programmable Logic Data Book page.
11/11/04 3.5.2 Added installation and licensing chapter; updated to current template.
12/1/04 3.6 Virtex-4 updates; addition of information to Family Specific Considerations, Chapter 3.
3/7/05 3.7 Updated to system 7.1i and build 5.0.95
5/13/05 4.0 Updated to build 5.0.100 and Xilinx tools 7.1i SP2.
8/31/05 5.0 Updated to build 5.0.101 and Xilinx tools 7.1i SP3.
9/12/05 6.0 Updated to build 5.0.102, Xilinx tools 7.1i to SP4, changed release date, removed
instruction to confirm directory structure from Core Licensing chapter.
1/18/06 7.0 Updated build to 5.0.105, Xilinx tools to 8.1i, release date, licensing chapter.
2/14/06 7.5 Advanced build to 108, added SP2 support to ISE v8.1i, updated release date.
7/13/06 8.0 Advanced build to 160, ISE to v8.21, release date
2/15/07 8.1 Advanced build to 161, release date, minor updates
5/17/07 9.0 Changed title and text references to PCI-X and PCI to comply with PCI-SIG trademark
guidelines. Advanced build to 162, support for IUS to v5.7.
8/08/07 9.1 Updated for IP1 Jade Minor release. Changed capacitor value to 10 uF to match XAPP653
Version Revision