PCI-X v5.1 165 Getting Started Guide www.xilinx.com 43
UG158 March 24, 2008
Chapter 6
Implementing a Design
This chapter describes the use of supported FPGA implementation tools using the Userapp
example design. If you are using a design with reference clocks, substitute pcix_top with
pcix_top_r and test_tb with test_tb_r.
Supported FPGA implementation tools are included with the ISE Foundation v10.1
ISE Foundation
Before implementing a design, ensure that the Xilinx environment is properly configured
and that the design has been successfully synthesized.
1. Navigate to the implementation directory:
cd <Install Path>/hdl/example/xilinx
This directory contains the run_xil_n, run_xil_s, and run_xil_x scripts. These
call the appropriate tools to place and route the example design in one of three possible
incarnations: PCI only, Dual Mode, and PCI-X only. Use the script that corresponds to
the core configuration you have selected. For the default example design, the Dual
Mode script should be used.
2. Inspect the appropriate script file and note the following:
♦ The ngdbuild command lists both../../src/xpci and../synthesis as
search directories. The xpci directory contains a netlist of the core interface, and
the synthesis directory must contain the EDIF netlist generated during design
♦ The ngdbuild command also reads a user constraints file that corresponds to a
desired target device and a particular version of the core interface.
♦ To target a different device or to use a different version of the core interface, the
constraints file must be changed to match the device and interface selection. The
available selections are listed in the Chapter 3, “Family Specific Considerations.”
♦ The user constraints files provided with the core interface contain constraints that
guarantee pinout and timing specifications. These constraints must be used
during processing.
♦ Any additional constraints that pertain to the user application must be placed in
this file. Before making additions to the user constraints file, back up the original
so that it may be restored if necessary.
♦ The map command requires no special arguments, but uses an input/output
register packing option.
♦ The PAR effort levels and delay cleanup iterations may be adjusted if necessary.