
Chapter 8 Basic Setting
GS1920 Series User’s Guide
Figure 45 Basic Setting > General Setup
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 10 Basic Setting > General Setup
System Name Choose a descriptive name for identification purposes. This name consists of up to 64
printable characters; spaces are allowed.
Location Enter the geographic location of your Switch. You can use up to 32 printable ASCII
characters; spaces are allowed.
Contact Person's
Enter the name of the person in charge of this Switch. You can use up to 32 printable
ASCII characters; spaces are allowed.
Use Time Server
when Bootup
Enter the time service protocol that your timeserver uses. Not all time servers support all
protocols, so you may have to use trial and error to find a protocol that works. The main
differences between them are the time format.
When you select the Daytime (RFC 867) format, the Switch displays the day, month,
year and time with no time zone adjustment. When you use this format it is recommended
that you use a Daytime timeserver within your geographical time zone.
Time (RFC-868) format displays a 4-byte integer giving the total number of seconds
since 1970/1/1 at 0:0:0.
NTP (RFC-1305) is similar to Time (RFC-868).
None is the default value. Enter the time manually. Each time you turn on the Switch, the
time and date will be reset to 1970-1-1 0:0:0.
Time Server IP
Enter the IP address of your timeserver. The Switch searches for the timeserver for up to
60 seconds. If you select a timeserver that is unreachable, then this screen will appear
locked for 60 seconds. Please wait.
Current Time This field displays the time you open this menu (or refresh the menu).
New Time
Enter the new time in hour, minute and second format. The new time then appears in the
Current Time field after you click Apply.
Current Date This field displays the date you open this menu.
New Date (yyyy-
Enter the new date in year, month and day format. The new date then appears in the
Current Date field after you click Apply.