Chapter 8 Basic Setting
GS1920 Series User’s Guide
Global Unicast
This field displays the Switch’s global unicast address to identify this interface.
Joined Group
This field displays the IPv6 multicast addresses of groups the Switch’s interface joins.
This field displays whether Neighbor Discovery (ND) Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) is
enabled on the interface.
Number of
DAD Attempts
This field displays the number of consecutive neighbor solicitations the Switch sends for this
This field displays the time interval (in milliseconds) at which neighbor solicitations are re-
sent for this interface.
ND Reachable
This field displays how long (in milliseconds) a neighbor is considered reachable for this
DHCPv6 Client
This field displays whether the Switch acts as a DHCPv6 client to get an IPv6 address from a
DHCPv6 server.
An Identity Association (IA) is a collection of addresses assigned to a DHCP client, through
which the server and client can manage a set of related IP addresses. Each IA must be
associated with exactly one interface.
IA Type The IA type is the type of address in the IA. Each IA holds one type of address. IA_NA
means an identity association for non-temporary addresses and IA_TA is an identity
association for temporary addresses.
IAID Each IA consists of a unique IAID and associated IP information.
T1 This field displays the DHCPv6 T1 timer. After T1, the Switch sends the DHCPv6 server a
Renew message.
An IA_NA option contains the T1 and T2 fields, but an IA_TA option does not. The DHCPv6
server uses T1 and T2 to control the time at which the client contacts with the server to
extend the lifetimes on any addresses in the IA_NA before the lifetimes expire.
T2 This field displays the DHCPv6 T2 timer. If the time T2 is reached and the server does not
respond, the Switch sends a Rebind message to any available server.
State This field displays the state of the TA. It shows
Active when the Switch obtains addresses from a DHCpv6 server and the TA is created.
Renew when the TA’s address lifetime expires and the Switch sends out a Renew message.
Rebind when the Switch doesn’t receive a response from the original DHCPv6 server and
sends out a Rebind message to another DHCPv6 server.
SID This field displays the DHCPv6 server’s unique ID.
Address This field displays the Switch’s global address which is assigned by the DHCPv6 server.
This field displays how long (in seconds) that the global address remains preferred.
This field displays how long (in seconds) that the global address is valid.
DNS This field displays the DNS server address assigned by the DHCPv6 server.
Domain List This field displays the address record when the Switch queries the DNS server to resolve
domain names.
DHCPv6 Client
Click Click Here to send a new DHCP request to the DHCPv6 server and update the IPv6
address and DNS information for this interface.
Table 18 Basic Setting > IPv6 > IPv6 Interface Status (continued)