8472B Operating and Service Manual 5
Operating Information
Operator’s Checks Peak Power Measurement
The procedure for peak power measurement involves calibration of an
oscilloscope which, in turn, is used to calibrate a CW generator. The output
of the calibrated CW generator is measured with a power meter and thereby
the peak power of a pulse is measured.
Refer to Figure 1 for the equipment setup in the steps referenced below.
1. Measure the output amplitude resulting from the pulse.
a. Connect equipment as shown in Figure 1, step A.
b. Observe the pulse on a de-coupled oscilloscope.
c. Using a marking pencil, mark on the graticule the base-to-peak
amplitude of the pulse envelope.
2. Match the output amplitude to the CW source power.
a. Replace the pulse source with a CW generator.
b. While observing the oscilloscope trace, adjust the amplitude of CW
generator output to make the detector’s output equal to that of the
pulse generator, as indicated by markings on the graticule (step A).
3. Measure the output power from the CW source.
a. Leave the CW generator at the setting obtained in step B.
b. Disconnect the detector from CW generator.
c. Connect the output of CW generator to the power meter (step C).
d. Measure the adjusted levels (set in step B) of the CW generator
output. The peak power of the pulse envelope observed in step A is
equal to the output power of the CW generator.
Figure 1 Peak Power Measurement