CL5708 / CL5716 User Manual
Clicking the F7 field or pressing [F7] invokes Auto Scan mode. This function
allows you to automatically switch among the available computers at regular
intervals so that you can monitor their activity without having to take the
trouble of switching yourself.
The selection of computers to be included for auto-scanning is made with
the Scan–Skip mode setting under the F3: SET function (see page 37).
The amount of time that each port displays for is set with the Scan
Duration setting under the F3: SET function (see page 36). When you
want to stop at a particular location, press the [Spacebar] to stop scanning.
If the scanning stops on an empty port, or one where the computer is
attached but is powered Off, the monitor screen will be blank, and the
mouse and keyboard will have no effect. After the Scan Duration time is
up, the scan function will move on to the next port.
As each computer is accessed, an S appears in front of the port ID display
to indicate that it is being accessed under Auto Scan mode.
While Auto Scan mode is in effect, the console will not function normally.
You must exit Auto Scan mode in order to regain control of the console.
While you are in Auto Scan mode, you can pause the scanning in order to
keep the focus on a particular computer either by pressing [P], or with a
left-click of the mouse. See Invoking Auto Scan, page 48, for details.
To exit Auto Scan mode, press the [Spacebar] or [Esc].
Clicking the F8 field, or pressing [F8] logs you out of OSD control of the
computers, and blanks the console screen. This is different from simply
pressing [Esc] when you are at the main screen to deactivate the OSD. With this
function you must log in all over again to regain access to the OSD, whereas
with [Esc], all you have to do to reenter the OSD is tap the OSD hotkey.
Note: 1. When you reenter the OSD after logging out, the screen stays blank
except for the OSD main screen. You must input your username and
password before you can continue.
2. If you reenter the OSD after logging out, and immediately use [Esc]
to deactivate the OSD without having selected a port from the OSD
menu, a null port message displays on the screen. The OSD hotkey
will bring up the main OSD screen.