Divar | Operation Manual | Viewing live and playback video via a web browser EN | 29
Bosch Security Systems
Step backward
The step icon is only enabled in the still mode.
1. Click Step backward to move the image one frame back in time.
2. Hold it down to continue stepping.
Capturing a still image
You can capture still images from the fullscreen display of a camera and save
them to the PC hard disk in a bitmap format.
To save an image from the active cameo to the PC hard disk:
1. Click the single icon to view the images from one camera.
2. Click the snapshot icon .
> The Snapshot pop-up page appears.
3. To change the default location, type the location in the PC file system where
you want to store the image file.
4. To change the file name, type a new name for the file.
5. Click Save.
The snapshot has a resolution of 720x484 pixels in NTSC and 720x576 pixels in
PAL. Authentication information is shown under the image.
In the playback page you can set up a search filter for events. You can select
recorded video for playback from the search results list.
Searching by event
Earliest and latest recording times
• The Earliest box indicates the date and time of the oldest recording on disk.
• The Latest box indicates the date and time of the most recent recording on
Setting the search period
1. Enter the date and time in the From and To boxes to define the period you
want to search.
> The To box shows the time and date of the latest recording and the From box
the earliest recording
by default.
2. Click the Go To control next to the From box to start playback at the time and
date entered.
Camera selection
Click in a camera selection box to place a check mark under those cameras
you want to include in the search. Click
to select all or none.