3 Install and register AMS Machinery Manager
1. Log on to the computer as a user with administrator rights.
2. Insert the AMS Machinery Manager Software Installation DVD and open it
in Windows Explorer.
Run RBMsetup.exe.
On Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, right-click RBMsetup.exe and select Run as
administrator. Click Cancel if the installation launches automatically when you insert the DVD.
You must run the installation manually.
4. At the ATTENTION!! dialog, click Yes if you are installing the software for
the first time. If you are upgrading your software, this is a reminder to
stop the installation and back up your database first. Click No to stop the
5. The setup program verifies that your system meets the minimum
requirements. If they are met, the Options page dialog appears. If they
are not met, a message displays more information. Update the computer
to meet the requirements or contact Product Support.
Click Install to start the installation.
7. If you are using Windows Firewall, grant access to programs published by
Emerson Process Management when prompted.
8. When the Serial dialog appears, click Register Product to register the
software now, or click Close to skip registration.
Quick Start Guide November 2014
10 MHM-97498, Rev 2