Multi-Media Player System
Multi-m edia player preparation
1. Supported equipm ent
1)Equipm ent supporting M ass Storage agreem ents include U SB, m obile hard disk, card
reader, som e MP3 and digital cam era.
2)Equipm ent supporting PTP agreem ents include som e digital cam eras.
2. 1 Supporting m edia:
picture, music, MPEG4, M PEG2 and MPEG1;
Supporting file form ats
*.Avi, *.DIVX, *.M PEG,*.DAT, *.MP3, *.WHA, *.JP G and *.JPEG. D ue to particularity of file
code and file form at, It is possible that som e files may not be read.
2 If Pic & Music m ode is activated, re lative m edia file
form at will include JPEG and MP3 files.
After Picture is selected, MP3 files set for play will open both music and picture files for sync
play perform ance. As som e files are read while music is being played, the response of picture
operation response mi
ght be affected.
3.Before starting to operation, verify U S B storage device is o f FAT32 and FAT file system
form at. At present, this television does not support NTFS and the file system s of other form at.
4.M any movie files use suffix of AV I and MPG. However, m any kinds of form at are used for
internal files. This television can only play som e AVI and MPG files of this form at. Those files
with suffix of dat are not movie files, expect data files used by com puters, and cannot be played
for movies.
5.External card reader supports most di
gital cards available in the market. R eadable digital
cards are classified according to the property of card readers and can be connected to m obile
hard disks (w o rking voltage 5.0V, working current not over 500m A).
6. Som etimes the television operation may be halted due to excessive ra te of
inform ation code
e rro rs. In such case, re start the system . Because there are m any non-standard USB m obile
devices in the m arket. If this kind of USB m obile devices are used in the M ulti-m edia play
system , the problem of identification failure might occur. The sam e problem may also happen
with com puters, not televisions.
7.It is suggested that the external devices with USB2.0 interface be used to improve velocity of
inform ation reading and continuity of inform ation playing.
CARD setup
1.Insert USB in the USB slots at the right side the TV.
2.Insert it to be clicked in.
3.P ress USB button on the re m o te contro ller to enter the Multi-m edia system .
USB setup
This TV is Com patible with the card of SD/MMC/CF/MS/SM form at.
1.Jack of card Instru c tions
Jack of SM card
Jacks of SD MMC MS card
Jack of CF card
Jack 1
Jack 2
How to use
1.Please note chooses uses the digital memory card with you corresponds the receptacle.
2.Card reader in 1 cannot simultaneously insert two kind of cards in the graphical representation