Haier HL42XR1 Flat Panel Television User Manual

Remote Control
5. When thedevice turns ON,press and releaseENTER key to programthe remote withthe
new code, saving the code andexit. To exit withoutprogramming, press anykey other
except CH+/CH- and ENTER. LED will be off after manually scan mode is exit.
6. If thedevice responds, nofurther programming isrequired. If thedevice does notrespond,
repeat step 1through 5.And searchingwill start fromcurrent code set. If no keywas
pressed in 30seconds, manually scanmode will beautomatically exit.
7. Aftersearching the entiredata base, thismode will beautomatically exited andled will
blink for 3times.
Automatic Scan Programmingthe Remote
Toautomatic scan programthe remote:
1. Manually turnOFF the deviceyou wish topower scan. (TV, DVD, VCR, STB, cable boxor
audio equipment).
2. Press SELECT key to choosethe device youwish to program.
While Press and holding ENTER key, press SELECT key and device LED will be ON. Keep
the status forabout 5 seconds,release both keysand then LEDwill blink twiceper second,
indicating that theControl is readyfor programming.
3. Press and release MUTE key to enterautomatic scan mode. And the remote will
automatically sending powercodes to thedevice.
4. When thedevice turns ON, press ENTER key to programthe remote with the newcode, saving
it and exit. To exit without programming, press anykey other except ENTER key.
5. If thedevice responds, nofurther programming is required, if thedevice does notrespond,
repeat steps 1through 4.And search will start from currentcode set.
6. Aftersearching the entiredata base, thismode will beautomatically exited andled will blink
for 3 times.
Punch-Through Features
The remote providestwo punch-through featuresthat allow usersto controITV volume and
DVD or VCRoperation while theremote is inanother device modecontrol certain featuresof
another device.
Volume Punch-Through:
The TVVolume/Mute punch-throughfeature allows youto control thevolume and mutefunction
of yourTV while the remote is in anotherdevice mode. The feature isapplicable for all devices
and brands thatdo not usethe volume control buttons for otherpurposes.
Transport Key Punch-Through:
The DVD orVCR transport keypunch through featurelets you remote the PLAY, STOP, PAUSE,
REWIND, FF and RECORD functions of your DVD orVCR while the control operates in other
modes. Thefeature is applicablefor all devicesand brands thatdo not usethe transport keys
for other purposes.
Protection mode
1. While pressand holding ENTER, press FREEZE key for 5seconds to enterprotection mode. In
this mode, allthe above programmingmethods will beinvalid.
2.To exit protection:While press andholding ENTER, press FREEZE key. Current device related
LED remains ONand then releaseENTER and FREEZE. Input three digit password"8 8 8", LED
turns off and protection mode is ended. If error password is input or no password input in 10
seconds, LED blinksthree times andthen turns off. Protection modewill remain.
Display mode
1.To enter displaymode, while pressand holding ENTER key, press SELECT key and device
LED will beON, keep thestatus for about5 seconds. Release both keys andthen LED will
blink 2 timesper second, indicating remote is ready forprogramming.
2.Sequence press9, 8, 0to enter displaymode. And LED is off now.
3.Press digit 1 key toget the firstdigit of current code set. Forexample, if thefirst digit ofcode
set is 1,so then ledwill blink onceand remains OFE Digit 0 in code setwill not bedisplayed.
Blink twice persecond.
4.Press digit2 key toget the seconddigit of currentcode set. Forexample, if thesecond digit
of code setis 3, sothen led willblink three timesand remains OFE Blink twiceper second.
5.Press digit3 key toget the thirddigit of currentcode set. Blinktwice per second.
6.Only digit 1,2, 3are valid inthis mode.And the sequenceis not fixed. You can repeat, ifyou
don't remember clearly.
7.Remote will not send out data in this mode if user presses any keys other than digit 1,2, 3.
And thiscan be regardedas no keypressed.
8.1fnokeywaspressedin 10secondsoranykeyotherthandigitl,2,3ispressed, display
mode is ended.
Owner's Manual 35