Now press the"V+" or "V-" button to set it to "00:00", and then use the "V+" button
again to increase the time by one minute in turn (To a maximum of 59 min). Once
you havereached the maximum and the button is pressed again theclockwill goback to
zero minute. Now usethe'V-" button again to increase the timeby one hour in turn (To
a maximum of 23 hours). Once you havereached the maximum of 23 hours and
thebutton is pressed again it will go back tozero hour. Attention: The timethat has
been set will return back to the default time (00:00)ifyou unplug the unit from its
power socket.
Auto Turn off Timer: When you haveadjusted thetime,you can settimefor"AutoTurn
off Timer". Use"CH+" or"CH-" button toenter this item, then press the"V+" or"V-
"button to set it to "00:00". Press the "V+" button again toincrease the timeby one
minutein turn (To a maximum of 59 min). Once you havereached the maximum of 59
minutes and the button is pressed again the clock will go back tozero minute. Pressthe
"V-" button to increase thetime by onehour in turn {Toa maximum of 23 hours). Once
you havereached the maximum of 23 hours and the button is pressed again it will go
backto zero hours. Once you have set a specif led time, the devicewill turn off
automatically at that designated time.
Attention: The timethat has been set will return back to the default time (00:00)if you
unplug the unit from its power socket.
Auto Start Timer: When you have adjusted thetime, you can set time for"Auto Start
Timer". Use "CH+" or "CH-"button to enterthis item, then press the "V+"or "V-"
button to set itto "00:00". Pressthe "V+" button again toincrease the timeby one
minutein turn (To a maximum of 59 min). Once you havereached the maximum of 59
minutes and the button is pressed again the clock will go back tozero minute. Pressthe
"V-" button to increase thetime by onehour in turn {Toa maximum of 23 hours). Once
you have reached the maximum of 23 hours and the button is pressed again it will
goback to zerohours. Once you have set a specified time, the device will start
automatically at that designated time.
Attention: The time that has been set will return back to the default time (00:00) if
you unplug the unit from its power socket.
e) Preset function adjustment
Press the "Menu"button five times in succession to enter the "Preset" mode. Use
the"CH+" or"CH-" toselectthespecificitem. Press the "V+" or"V-"to adjust
thefunction you have selected. See thefollowing picture: