Connecting to Cable or an Antenna
There are three basic types of antenna or cable connections:
If you have an antenna or have a cable system that does not require you use a cable
box to select channels, please refer to Diagram #1.
• If you have a cable system that requires the use of a cable box to access all the
channels, please refer to Diagram #2.
If you have a cable system that requires the use of a cable box [o access certain
premium channels, but not "basic" cable channels, please refer to Diagram #3,
, For your convenience connection to a VCR is also shown Jn the following diagrams. A
VCR is no1 necessary for operation of the television or Picture OUT or Picture POP
function. You may omit the VCR from your connections if you wish.
For instructions on connecting a VCR only, please see the Quick Setup on page 10.
, For information on using POP, please see page 54
Diagram #1
Cable or Antenna
TV Rear Panel
(RF input)
j Cabte/RF connector
1) Connect an RF Cable from the wail outtet into the RF Cable In on the back of the TV.
Connecting to a Cable Box
Diagram #2 CaMe or Antenna
TV Rear Panel
(RF input)
1) Connect an RF Cable from the wait outlet into the RF Cable In on the Cable Box.
2) Connect an RF cable from the Cable Out on the cable box into the RF Cable In on the back
of the TV.
Please see page 54 for more information on using the POP feature with a cable box,