Loewe 3770 ZW, 3772 Z, 3781 ZW, 3970 ZW, 3972 ZP, 3981ZW, C 32 Flat Panel Television User Manual

Accessories available
Ask your dealer, he will be able to offer you the
right rack from the Loewe range to suit your TV
Single / twin SAT tuners and digital TV
Your TV set can be retrofi tted with an integrated
SAT 6 or TWIN-SAT 6 and a digital TV decoder.
A combination of the two components enables
you to receive analogue and digital satellite
The Digital TV 1 Sat/Twin Sat and the Digital-
TV upgrade kit 2 S-Basic upgrade kit enables
you to receive all unencoded digital satellite
All uncoded digital terrestrial programs can
be received with the Digital-TV upgrade kit 2
The following modules are available for recepti-
on of coded (and uncoded) digital TV programs
(e.g. Premiere):
The Digital-TV upgrade kit 2 Sat/Twin-Sat-CI P
for satellite reception and the Digital-TV upgra-
de kit 2 T-CI for terrestrial Digital-TV programs.
In addition, the Digital TV upgrade kit 2 T/S-CI is
available for reception of satellite and terrestrial
coded TV programs.
All modules are integrated in the TV set and are
operated by the remote control/menu control of
the TV.
Home automation
Controlling of light switches, dimmers, rolling
shutters etc. with the TV set menu.
Loewe Video Recorders
Loewe video recorders are specially adapted
in design, user guidance and technical charac-
teristics to Loewe TV sets with the result that
daily handling of the equipment is made much
Loewe DVD-Players and -Recorders
The DVD-Players and -Recorders from Loewe are
characterised by form and colour which match
Loewe TV sets, adapted user guidance and tech-
nology. A combination of the two devices forms
a system which offers many advantages.
Loewe audio systems and active
loudspeaker systems
A combination of a Loewe TV set, a Loewe
audio system and a Loewe loudspeaker system
provides an excellently adapted Home Cinema
system with the advantages of high operating
comfort, matching design and adapted technol-
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