Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product, please
keep these safety tips in mind:
• [he t-ometi_ealerenle a nmentexperence s a growh'g rend and large
flat panel displays are popular purchases However, flal panel displays
are not always suppored on the proper stondsor inslalled accord ng to the
manufacture's recomrqendalions
• Flatpanel displays thatare inappropriately stuated on dressers,bookcases,
shelves,desks, speakers,chestsor cartsmay fall over and causeinjury
• Tt'e consumerelectroncs induslry iscommitted to r,,aking homeenterta nn"ent
enjoyable and safe
• One sze does NOT f all Follow the r_anufacturer'secommendations
for the safe rTstallotionar'd useof your flat paneldisplay
• Carefully read ar,d ur,derstar,d all er,closed instructionsfor arooer useof
this product
• Don't allow children to clmb on or play with furnitJre and telev sionsets
• Don't place flat panel displays onturntare thatcan easily be usedas steps,
suchas a chest of drawers
• Rememberthai children can become excited while watching a program,
especially on a "larger tha_"life" flal paneldisplay Care shouldbe iaken to
place or install_hedisplay wf'e_e it cannol be pushed, pulled over,
or knockeddowr"
• Care should be takento routeall cords and cables cant'eared to theflat
panel display so thatthey cannot be pulled orgrabbed by curiouschildren
• Usea mountthat hasbeen recommended by he display _anufacturer
and/or Ised by an ndepe_'dent laboratory (suchas UI, CSA, Erl)
• Follovvall inslructionssupplied by thedisplay and wall mountmanufacturers
• If you haveany doubtsabou your ability 1osafely installyour flalpanel
d splay,contact your retailer about professonal installaton
• Make surethatthe wall where you are mountingthedisplay s appropriate
Somewall mountsare nat designed to be mountedto walls with steel
studsor old cnder block construction If youare unsure,contact a
professional nstaller
• A '_qnimumof lwo people arerequi ed for installaton Flalpanel displays
can be heavy